Test Writing Module

This module contains the CodeTester class, which is designed to automatically generate and write test cases for given source code files. It uses a runnable chain to generate tests for either specific functions, classes, or entire code files.



class CodeTester(chain)

The CodeTester class is responsible for initializing with a runnable chain and writing tests for code.

__init__(chain: RunnableSerializable[Dict, Any])

Initializes the CodeTester class with a runnable chain.


chain – A RunnableSerializable object capable of executing tasks.

write_tests(filename: str | Path, function: str | None = None, classname: str | None = None, outfile: str | None = None)

Writes tests for the code specified in the given file by invoking the runnable chain. The tests can be generated for a specific function, class, or the entire file. The generated test code is then written to an output file.

  • filename – The path to the code file for which tests are to be generated.

  • function – (Optional) The name of the function within the file to generate tests for. Default is None, indicating that tests should not be limited to a specific function.

  • classname – (Optional) The name of the class within the file to generate tests for. Default is None, indicating that tests should not be limited to a specific class.

  • outfile – (Optional) The path to the output file where the generated test code should be written. If not specified, tests are written to a default directory with a filename prefixed with test_.